Rental Space Department captured the atmosphere of the wedding ceremony of Khun Chutinan Panghom and Khun Narathorn Saenklao who came to rent space at Srisunan Building, 1st floor, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Samut Songkhram Campus on Sunday, November 6, 2022.
Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. Samut Songkhram Campus provides space for rent for important events, such as weddings, workshops, academic seminars, or entertainment events, etc. fully equipped with electronic equipment and facilities along with catering services, additional drinks and snacks
For more information, please contact Bureau of Assets and Income, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Samut Songkhram Campus at (+66)34-773906, (+66)89-9100962, (+66)89-1285947.
We are happy to provide service to you.
Remarks: The pictures have consent to publish from Khun Chutinan Panghom and Khun Narathorn Saenklao.
2022 年 11 月 6 日, 星期日租赁事业部拍了Chutinan Panghom和Narathorn Saenklao的婚礼照照片, 他们是来租Srisunan大楼一楼宣素南他皇家大学夜功府校区的场地举办婚礼的。
宣素南他皇家大学夜功府校区重要活动场地租赁服务例如婚礼、学术活动、工作坊、娱乐活动 , 提供完整的电子设备和设施,随着餐饮服务饮料和小吃, 求租活动地点有意者请联系租赁事业部宣素南他皇家大学夜功府校园电话号码 034-773906 , 089-9100962 , 089-1285947
备注:以上图片已获得Chutinan Panghom和Narathorn Saenklao的许可。