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ผู้ดูแลเว็บ วิทยาเขตสมุทรสงคราม
2024-02-29 13:52:09

Thai name: Turmeric

Local names: Turmeric (central, southern) / Turmeric curry, Turmeric yok, Turmeric hua (Chiang Mai)/ Khimint, Mint (Trang, South)

Common name Common turmeric/ Turmeric

Scientific name: Curcuma longa L.

Curcuma genus

longa species


Amomum curcuma Jacq.

Curcuma brog Valeton

Curcuma domestica Valeton


Plant group

flowering plants

Botanical characteristics

The trunk is a bulbous plant such as herb or ginger. and is a herbaceous plant The underground stems are rhizomes and are yellowish in color.

The leaves are larger than the Krachai leaves.

The flowers are a bouquet of flowers emerging from the rhizome. Inserted between the leaf stalks, cylindrical shape, light yellow petals. The bracts are light green or soft, blooming with 3-4 flowers at a time. The fruit is round in shape with 3 lobes.

Ecological conditions


ecological conditions

It grows well from sea level up to 1350 m.

Needs 125-225 mm of rain per year. Likes sandy loam. and drains well

Place of origin

Turmeric is a plant native to Southeast Asian countries.

Spread to Europe and other parts of the world.
Planting and propagation
Propagated using rhizomes and stems.
Flowering period
Utilization type
food, herbs

Rhizomes have the property of killing bacteria and fungi, helping to reduce inflammation of wounds. And the skin helps accelerate the production of bile, allowing the body to digest food better. Helps relieve symptoms of constipation, flatulence, flatulence, and helps expel gas.

